Frequently Asked Questions
What services are provided?
The following are examples of some of the services that can be provided in the patient's home and community: Evaluations, safety assessments, fall prevention training, durable medical equipment (DME) assessments, balance assessments, therapeutic exercises, gait training, manual therapy techniques, customized bracing and orthotic fitting, caregiver training, functional training, aquatic therapy, and home exercise programs.
Does the patient have to be "homebound"?
Does the patient have to pay anything?
Most services are covered by the major insurance companies and Medicare Part B as long as the patient is under the care of a physician.
Who can be seen?
We can provide services for anyone that is not currently being treated under Medicare Part A (i.e. Nursing home or Home Health Agency). We specialize in post-surgical, orthopedic, and neurological therapies to patients of all ages.
Where can I be treated?
We provide physical therapy services at your home or in your community in the Pasadena area and surrounding cities.
Why not use a typical Home Health Agency?
Home Health Agencies (HHA) are generally designed for patients that have nursing needs but do not require hospitalization. They face more restrictions in terms of reimbursement from most insurance companies, and they are paid a fixed amount (regardless of their time at a patient's house). For these reasons they have less incentive to provide extensive therapy and often discharge the patient after just a few visits. In contrast, our services are covered by most insurance companies, we bill only for the services and time that we spend with our patients, and there is no incentive for us to discharge a patient that is still in need of physical therapy. We provide thorough and comprehensive care to maximize our patients' potential.